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Many CVMA veterinarians have expressed concern over the past year about the comments and behavior of State Board of Veterinary Medicine member Ms. Ellen Kessler. As background information, the governor appointed Ms. Kessler, a self-described animal rights activist with an active social media presence, to the open public-at-large position on the State Board of Veterinary Medicine in 2020. On January 19, 2022 Ms. Kessler made the news for comments made on social media regarding Colorado's ranching community. CVMA received news on January 24 that Ms. Kessler has resigned from the state board....

CVMA is seeking member input on the concept of a "veterinary professional associate" (VPA) in Colorado. CSU's College of Veterinary Medicine is considering developing a degree program for a Master's of Veterinary Clinical Care (MVCC). Graduates would be considered "veterinary professional associates" and would represent a mid-level practitioner in between veterinary technicians and veterinarians. The role of a VPA would be similar to a physician’s assistant in the human medical profession. A VPA would work under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian who would have the authority to delegate diagnosis, initiation...

The following information was distributed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture on January 18, 2022.  The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic Eurasian H5 avian influenza (HPAI) in a wild American wigeon in Colleton County, South Carolina. This is the first confirmed case of HPAI in the United States since 2020, when an isolated case of highly pathogenic H7N3 avian influenza was diagnosed in a commercial poultry flock in South Carolina. See the full announcement from USDA...

2021 was a BIG year for Colorado’s veterinary professionals with the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA). DORA completed both a sunset review of the Veterinary Practice Act and the State Board of Veterinary Medicine, and a sunrise review requested by the Colorado Association of Veterinary Technicians. Both CACVT and CVMA are pleased that DORA’s sunset review recommends that the Veterinary Practice Act be renewed for 11 years, and that the DORA sunrise review report found that “consumers and patients rely heavily on the actions of veterinary technicians” and that a regulatory...

Our thoughts are with the communities affected by the fires in Boulder County, particularly the more than 35,000 people who have been forced to evacuate their homes. Looking to help, or in need of help yourself? CVMA has compiled a list of resources for the Colorado veterinary community. For those looking to help Thank you to all of our veterinarians who have reached out offering to help animal and human victims of the Boulder fires. If you're looking for ways to help, here's where you can start: Have donations of veterinary services such...

CVMA was pleased to recognize its 2021 award winners and Life Membership awardees during the virtual annual CVMA membership meeting held December 5. Thank you to all of our exceptional members for your outstanding work and service to the veterinary community -- cheers to you! Veterinarian of the Year: Matt Fordham, DVM CVMA recognizes Dr. Matt Fordham as the 2021 CVMA Veterinarian of the Year. Dr. Fordham, owner of Tall Grass Animal Hospital, is a veterinarian who has set a true example of what it means to lead in a practice...

This is a paid sponsored content article from Simmons and Associates - Intermountain. The veterinary profession is experiencing rapid growth in the corporate market.  The allure is obvious – the highest dollar, relief from ownership stress, and they won’t change anything! It’s understandable why so many are capitalizing on this boom! Before you sign, be sure to do your research and ask the right questions.  Although it may a dream offer, you could still be leaving a lot on the table. Here are areas to consider when reviewing any corporate offer: Are you a...

Many veterinarians in Colorado may be aware that the Colorado Veterinary Practice Act underwent a sunset review by the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and will be up for renewal by the state legislature in 2022. On October 15, 2021, DORA released a report with key findings and recommendations from its sunset review process. DORA’s recommendations will be presented to the state legislature in mid-January and will become the basis for a bill that revises the veterinary practice to be introduced in the Colorado House of Representatives. In the report, DORA made the...

The Colorado Department of Agriculture, through the Pet Animal Care and Facilities Act (PACFA) program, has suspended the license of, and issued a cease and desist order to New Hope Rescue, Inc., an animal shelter facility in Colorado Springs. Upon the conclusion of a parallel investigation with the Animal Law Enforcement Division of the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region, CDA has determined that New Hope Rescue violated PACFA regulations, which require pet animal facilities to properly isolate dogs with communicable disease and provide timely veterinary care to sick, diseased,...

On October 15, 2021, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) released a report recommending that veterinary technicians be regulated in the state of Colorado. This report, also known as a “sunrise report” will be presented to the Colorado state legislature in early 2022. Both the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and the Colorado Association of Certified Veterinary Technicians (CACVT) are aware of the report and its recommendation regarding regulation of technicians; while the report has recommended regulation, it did not outline what form such regulation will take and how the...