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CVMA was pleased to recognize its 2023 award winners and Life Membership awardees during the virtual 2023 Annual Membership Meeting. Thank you to all of our exceptional members for your outstanding work and service to the veterinary community — we salute you! Veterinarian of the Year: William Houseweart, DVM CVMA recognizes Dr. William Houseweart as the 2023 CVMA Veterinarian of the Year. Dr. Houseweart was nominated by his peers in recognition of his tireless efforts to give back to his community in rural Colorado. Dr. Houseweart has a long history of serving Colorado’s rural...

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 CVMA Board of Directors! The new board was formally installed in their new roles during the virtual Annual Membership Meeting on September 10. The 2023-2024 CVMA Board of Directors: President – Dr. Kelly Walsh President-elect – Dr. Michelle Larsen Secretary/Treasurer – Dr. Kayla Henderson Secretary/Treasurer-elect – Dr. Austin Graham AVMA Delegate – Dr. Curtis Crawford AVMA Alternate Delegate – Dr. Peter Hellyer Immediate Past President – Dr. Steven Dick Ex Officio – Diane Matt CVMA thanks Ashley Ackley, DVM for her leadership and service on the board —...

CVMA member H.C. "Doc" Gurney, DVM passed away on April 22, 2023. CVMA leaders and the Colorado veterinary community mourn his passing and extend condolences to his family. A Celebration of life will be held by the family on Saturday, October 14 from 2-4 p.m. at the Rockland Community Church in Golden, Colorado. From an early age Doc loved challenges and adventure. He was drawn to the allure of the mountains, stories from Zane Grey, and thrilling tales over the radio. Smitten by the cowboy way of life, it was no surprise when...

In February 2023, the Colorado Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Protection (BAP) and the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) collaborated to conduct a survey of Colorado veterinarians on recognizing and reporting animal abuse and neglect. The survey was designed to gain a better understanding of veterinarians’ confidence in recognizing and reporting animal abuse as well as the barriers influencing their engagement with this topic. The survey was distributed in CVMA's eVOICE as well as the Colorado State Veterinarian listserv the week of February 13, 2023 and received a total...

The following announcement was distributed by USDA on August 24, 2023. The United States is nearing the goal line after a 70-year battle against scrapie, a fatal disease that affects the brain of sheep and goats. The current program has been very successful in drastically reducing the amount of scrapie in this country, but we are still finding scrapie-positive animals. The two most recent cases of scrapie found in the U.S. were sampled at slaughter. One was a sheep tested in Wisconsin in 2021; the second was a goat in...

Since the index equine WNV case in Colorado on July 27, 2023, horses from multiple Colorado counties have tested positive for West Nile Virus. One additional horse in Weld County, four horses in Conejos County, three horses in El Paso county,  two horses each in Douglas and Fremont counties and one horse each in Adams, Alamosa, Bent, Custer, Elbert, Garfield, Larimer, Lincoln, Pueblo and Rio Grande counties have tested positive for WNV.  This brings the total test positive cases in 2023 to twenty-three. For up to date case information, visit...

The following message was distributed by the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office on July 28, 2023. A gelding residing in Weld County has been diagnosed with West Nile Virus (WNV); this is Colorado's first confirmed equine WNV case in 2023. The horse presented with sudden neurological symptoms including weakness, stumbling and recumbency.  The gelding was euthanized as a result of his condition. The age and vaccine status for this gelding are unknown. The first human case of West Nile Virus this year was confirmed in LaPlata County on July 24, 2023. Mosquito pools...

The FDA recently finalized regulatory guidance for compounded animal medications from bulk drug substances for use in non-food-producing animals, impacting the way compounded drugs can be used, documented, ordered, and prescribed. This new guidance, Guidance for Industry #256 (GFI 256), affects both office stock in veterinary practices and individual animal-patient prescriptions. The release of this new federal guidance is important and adherence is critical, but the explanations can be complex. Let’s start with the basics. What’s the gist of GFI 256? GFI 256 addresses two areas of compounded medication use, both dealing with compounding from bulk...

The CVMA Nominating Committee has nominated the candidates below for the designated roles on the CVMA Board of Directors for 2023-2024. In accordance with the CVMA Bylaws, the CVMA membership may put forth a candidate by petition with the signature of 2.5% of the voting DVM membership (or 45 members) within 21 days of this notice. If no alternative candidates are advanced by the petition process, CVMA Bylaws call for the CVMA secretary/treasurer to declare as winners the candidates identified by the Nominating Committee, and no election will be held. To...

A new CE requirement for DEA license renewal may be causing Colorado veterinarians some confusion. On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 enacted a new one-time, eight-hour training requirement for all Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-registered practitioners on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. Beginning on June 27, 2023, practitioners will be required to check a box on their online DEA registration form—regardless of whether a registrant is completing their initial registration application or renewing their registration—affirming that they have completed the new...