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As featured in dvm360 Magazine, February 2024 Issue By Melissa King, PharmD, Director of Manufacturing Operations, Epicur Pharma and Andrew Filewicz, PharmD, Director of Pharmacy Compounding, Stokes Pharmacy February, 29 2024— New revisions to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Chapter 795, for compounding of non-sterile pharmaceuticals, and Chapter 797, for compounding sterile preparations, are in effect. These standards of practice can now be enforced by the FDA, local state boards of pharmacy, and accreditation organizations. The new USP guidelines limit the ability of 503A compounding pharmacies to extend Beyond-Use Dates (BUDs). This regulatory...

February 23, 2024— In the dynamic realm of Colorado’s state legislative affairs, the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) is an active, proud voice for veterinary medicine and veterinary professionals in Colorado. It is vital that the association shares timely information and visibility into state legislation that affects our community as it becomes available.  The CVMA team remains vigilant, tirelessly monitoring several bills that could impact the veterinary profession and animal medical care across the state. Let's delve into the bills currently under CVMA's watchful eye:  1. HB24-1047 Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice  This...

One of the most essential and impactful things Colorado Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) does is advocate on behalf of the veterinary profession in Colorado. Since the summer of 2023, CVMA's Advocacy Commission has been very active in review and discussion of House Bill 24-1047 Veterinary Technician Scope of Practice, and House Bill 24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth. This includes, representing our members at a full day workshop with Representative Karen McCormick and the Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee in September. This week, six CVMA members testified at the hearing and we’re excited to share that...

February 1, 2024— Snow flies as tigers romp, a lion’s breath is seen while he roars, a jaguar surveys the land atop a powder-covered platform, and migratory Bald Eagles are spotted in every direction. These are but a few sights of winter life observed at Colorado’s Wild Animal Sanctuary. Though one of the most asked questions there is, is seasonal in subject, it is asked all throughout the year: “What do the animals do in the winter months of Colorado?” A perfectly reasonable inquiry. After all, hundreds of the rescued animals residing at...

For hundreds of years, the wild mustangs of Colorado have thundered across the western plains. A prominent presence of not only the state’s history, but of the country as a whole. Majestic, wild, and free – until they weren’t. As the population of free-roaming horses grew in Colorado’s Sand Wash Basin (SWB) to almost 1,000, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) intervened in 2020, rounding up a collective 700 horses and transporting them to a holding facility in Canyon City, Colorado. Soon after, they could be adopted by the public through a...

The beginning of a new year is always filled with goals, resolutions, and excitement.  If selling your practice is at the top of your list for 2024, you may be wondering “how do I start?”.   Here is a simple list to help you get started: Gather all your financial information for the past three years. This includes tax returns, Profit and Loss Statements, Balance Sheets, payroll reports, and practice software reports that show income sources (services, treatments, inventory), inventory levels, and doctor production.  If you are starting the process mid-year,...

As published in DVM360’s November 2022 publication By Melissa King, PharmD, Director of Manufacturing Operations, Epicur Pharma Traditionally, veterinary hospitals and clinics utilized neighborhood or national 503A compounding pharmacies to fill prescriptions for compounded medications. These medications are labeled with a “Beyond-Use Date” or BUD. With the growing number of 503B manufactured veterinary medicines available for your most prescribed patient needs, you may notice that these products are labeled with an expiration date instead. Understanding this seemingly small difference can make a significant difference to your standard of care and your practice’s...

Driving along the southeastern side of Colorado will reveal postcard small towns and an ocean of farmland. Suddenly, the path gives way to rolling hills, rocky outcroppings, and forests of juniper trees. Nestled in the heart of this oasis, “The Wild Animal Refuge” provides forever homes for rescued animals in a landscape they could never have dreamed possible. The near-10,000 acres harbors animal survivors of great variety in species, background, and even country. Before their 2022 rescue and subsequent arrival to the Refuge, 22 Asiatic Black Bears were victims of “Bear Bile...

This page was last updated on 11/30/23. Over the past several months, CVMA has received many phone calls and emails from veterinarians seeking guidance on the canine respiratory disease outbreak in Colorado and across the nation. CVMA, CSU, and state veterinary officials are aware of the University of New Hampshire's recent pathogen findings in the outbreak; as mentioned in the UNH press release, they are unsure of the significance of this finding at this time, or if that is the causative agent in this widespread outbreak. Colorado State University has continued to test...

The following message was distributed by the Colorado Department of Agriculture on November 17, 2023. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on how the agencies will collaborate to manage the reintroduction of gray wolves and work to prevent wildlife and livestock conflicts. The MOU directs the agencies to work together to create and share information and prevention strategies and work to ensure that agriculture producers and landowners have the appropriate support through the process. The MOU also includes specific...