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The following was distributed to Colorado veterinarians by the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office on October 9, 2020. Click here to sign up to receive immediate updates from the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office. The Colorado Department of Agriculture has confirmed a case of Brucellosis RB-51 strain in a cow on a raw milk dairy in Larimer County. The owner of the dairy submitted milk samples to CSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for routine Somatic Cell Count (SCC) testing. The SCC count from one cow was elevated; culture was completed and Brucella spp. was isolated. The...

The following message was distributed to Colorado veterinarians by the State Veterinarian's Office on October 9, 2020. CVMA is sharing the message on behalf of the State Veterinarian's Office. Dear colleagues, The USDA’s Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP), authorized by the National Veterinary Medical Services Act (NVMSA), helps qualified veterinarians offset a significant portion of the debt incurred in pursuit of their veterinary medicine degrees in return for their service in certain high-priority veterinary shortage situations. This federally funded loan repayment program is separate from the state funded program recently created...

In a unanimous decision, the CVMA Board of Directors voted October 8 in support of Denver ballot measure 2J that would repeal a 30-year-old citywide ban on pit bulls. The question on the November 3, 2020 ballot will read: Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an ordinance authorizing the city to grant a provisional permit to owners or keepers of a pit bull, provided the owner microchips the animal and complies with additional requirements set by Denver Animal Protection? CVMA supported a similar proposal that came before...

The CVMA Board of Directors agreed to comment on newly proposed FDA guidance on compounding animal drugs from bulk drug substances. CVMA joins AVMA in weighing in on the new compounding guidance. AVMA's formal comments were sent to FDA on October 8 and were based on input from AVMA members, volunteers, state and allied veterinary groups, and other stakeholders. CVMA's board reviewed and discussed a summary of AVMA's extensive analysis of FDA Guidance for Industry #256 Compounding Animal Drugs from Bulk Drug Substances. If finalized, the guidance would advise veterinarians on...

It’s that time of year. Pumpkin spice lattes are finding their way into the clinic, paws are bringing crunchy fall leaves in through the door, and veterinarians across Colorado are getting ready to renew their licenses. To help ease some of the stress associated with license renewal, we’ve compiled some FAQs to help you through the process. I have a question about my license – can CVMA help with that? While we love to be as helpful as we can, unfortunately CVMA does not manage Colorado veterinary licenses and is unable to help...

The following was distributed to Colorado veterinarians by the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office on September 30, 2020. Click here to sign up to receive immediate updates from the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office. A horse residing in Jefferson County has been diagnosed with West Nile Virus; this is Colorado's first confirmed equine WNV case in 2020. Vaccines in horses have proven to be a very effective prevention tool for West Nile Virus. Horses that have been vaccinated in past years need an annual booster. If an owner did not vaccinate the animal in previous years,...

This column was written by Melanie Marsden, DVM, CVMA member, CVMA past president, and current District IX AVMA Board of Directors representative (Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Utah). Dear friends and colleagues,  It is safe to say that 2020 has been a year full of the unexpected. From COVID to weather to race to politics, its nothing short of crazy. There are so many ways that the pandemic has changed our world, geez where to even start that thought is dizzying! Honestly, I think some of them have been good,...

Perhaps CVMA’s most critical role within Colorado is to monitor state and regulatory issues of importance to veterinarians and the practice of veterinary medicine in Colorado. Through active, engaged relationship-building, CVMA works to represent the voice of veterinarians throughout Colorado on key issues. In our Legislative Update column, we provide updates on CVMA’s activities and efforts with key stakeholders throughout the state. CVMA’s vital advocacy work is made possible thanks to the dues of 2,400 members throughout Colorado. Not a member? Join us in our mission to protect and advance veterinary medicine throughout the state...

This is a paid sponsored article from MWI Animal Health. Prolong the lifetime of your surgical instruments while protecting patient health Surgical instruments are a significant investment for every veterinary clinic. It is important to consider how to protect that investment while at the same time, protecting the health of your patients. Well-manufactured instruments should last for years, but the longevity of the instrument will also depend on the quality of care received during those years. Due to an inadequate cleaning protocol, instruments reach the end of their useful life pre-maturely or...

The CVMA Nominating Committee has nominated the candidates below for roles on the CVMA Board of Directors for 2020-2021. In accordance with the CVMA Bylaws, the CVMA membership may put forth a candidate by petition with the signature of 2.5% of the voting DVM membership (or 46 members) within 14 days of this notice. If no alternative candidates are advanced by the petition process, CVMA Bylaws call for the CVMA secretary/treasurer to declare as winners the candidates identified by the Nominating Committee, and no election will be held. To put forth...