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April 25, 2024— Since late March 2024, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Drug Administration(FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state veterinary and public health officials, laboratories, and accredited veterinarians have been investigating the emergence of the HPAI, H5N1 virus in dairy cows. To date, USDA has confirmed HPAI H5N1 clade virus detections on 33 dairy cattle premises in 8 states (Kansas, Idaho, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, and Texas). While Colorado does not currently have a confirmed case, we are actively performing...

by Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS, CRPM, FAAMA Do you feel “stuck” by having limited ways to address pain? Are your clients asking for safer and more effective options to improve their horses’ performance? Here are five ways in which adding medical acupuncture to your practice can help: Learn how to assess and treat equine back and neck pain. Expand treatment options for chronic laminitis. Reduce generalized soft tissue pain. Improve gait and reduce lameness. Add non-pharmacologic analgesia for acute and chronic pain after trauma or surgery.   References Riccio B et al.  Two...

There are two main components that create practice value: profit and risk/desirability. Most valuations are done with the goal of arriving at Fair Market Value, the value of the practice if put on the open market for the average buyer. The basis of value is profit. ALL high value practices have high profit, but not all high profit practices have high value.  This is due to the intangible elements (risk/desirability) like location, quality of staff and facility, services offered, etc. True profit is figured by converting the tax-based accounting documents to management-based.  Profit...

April 11, 2024— CVMA's 2024 CE covers a wide range of topics including advanced emerging treatments, surgical techniques, and regulatory updates. Whether you're seeking to expand your knowledge or renew your license this Fall, our events can provide invaluable insights and networking opportunities for every skill level. Join us and get to know your colleagues. And remember: As a CVMA member, you receive exclusive discounts on CE events. Check out what's coming up: Scheduled monthly: Chapter Events (like FREE Dinner & CE) Locations are selected by your Chapter leadership. Navigate to our Upcoming CE page for...

This article has been provided by Victim to Verdict. In our practice of veterinary medicine, we routinely assess our patients for discomfort, pain, and suffering. We regularly engage in diagnostic procedures to determine the extent of an injury or the cause of a patient’s poor condition. We use laymen’s terms to explain our findings to our clients or our coworkers, while simultaneously creating a detailed, scientific medical record. Our actions in our everyday practice of veterinary medicine not only demonstrate our allegiance to the veterinary oath we took, but our capacity...

In late 2022, The Wild Animal Sanctuary (TWAS) was contacted by the Department of Justice with the massive task to rescue and rehome over 700 animals from the closed Dr. Juan A. Rivero Zoo of Puerto Rico (also known as the Mayagüez Zoo) along with a nearby detention center. A monumental endeavor as every single animal was in need of their own respective home in an accredited facility. After months spent working nonstop in both locations in Puerto Rico, TWAS found new homes for the animals across the nation – including...

March 12, 2024— Are you looking to take your veterinary career to a whole new altitude? Whether you're already a member of the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) or considering joining, CVMA offers numerous advantages for veterinary professionals practicing in Colorado: Seeking to join? We’re certain these benefits will be helpful: Connections abound: By joining CVMA, you gain access to a vast network of large and small animal veterinary professionals across Colorado. Connect with peers, mentors, and potential collaborators to enhance your personal and practice support system, as well as your career...

March 8, 2024— As we step into the promising dawn of a new year, strategic planning becomes paramount for veterinary practices aiming for sustained success. Among the array of tools available, one often underestimated yet invaluable asset is a comprehensive veterinary practice valuation. Join me, the President of Veterinary Advisors, as we delve into the profound value that meticulous valuation can bring to your strategic planning endeavors in the coming year. Understanding the Value: Embarking on a veterinary practice valuation involves a meticulous assessment of various factors resulting in a financial and operational...

March 7, 2024— The 2024 ACVIM Forum, held in Minneapolis June 6-8 and virtually, presents a unique opportunity for veterinarians to invest in their professional growth. Here are three ways that attending this year's ACVIM Forum can elevate your practice: 1. Stay Updated: Veterinarians can discover the latest advancements in specialty medicine research at the 2024 ACVIM Forum. By attending sessions in cardiology, large animal internal medicine, neurology, nutrition, oncology and small animal internal medicine and more, veterinarians can gain insights into innovative treatments and diagnostic tools. 2. Build Connections: The 2024 ACVIM Forum is...