CVMA seeks member input on “veterinary professional associate” concept in Colorado

CVMA seeks member input on “veterinary professional associate” concept in Colorado

CVMA is seeking member input on the concept of a “veterinary professional associate” (VPA) in Colorado.

CSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine is considering developing a degree program for a Master’s of Veterinary Clinical Care (MVCC). Graduates would be considered “veterinary professional associates” and would represent a mid-level practitioner in between veterinary technicians and veterinarians.

The role of a VPA would be similar to a physician’s assistant in the human medical profession. A VPA would work under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian who would have the authority to delegate diagnosis, initiation of treatment, prescribing, and performing surgery to a competent VPA.

Presently, the Colorado Veterinary Practice Act allows only a veterinarian to diagnose, initiate treatment, prescribe, or perform surgery in Colorado.

CVMA is assessing whether changes should be proposed to the Veterinary Practice Act to allow licensed veterinarians to delegate diagnosis, initiation of treatment, prescribing, and performing surgery to competent VPAs under their direct supervision.

CVMA is asking members to take a short five minute survey to share feedback on the proposal.

Thank you for sharing your feedback and for helping guide the future of veterinary medicine in Colorado.


Click here to take the survey and share your input on this concept.